Frequently Asked Questions
What is my Client ID?
- Contact your Regulatory Service Representative ([email protected]) for the code specific to your company.
What do I need to enter for “Course Description”?
- Indicate your class format (ie. classroom, webinar, online, etc)
- Note if the course or seminar needs to be billed to a different group than who you normally enter requests for. (this only applies to companies with multiple billable accounts)
What is Course Effective Date?
- Date you anticipate holding the first class.
What is a Seminar Name?
- Indicate the name of the seminar (Course).
What do I enter in the Seminar Description box?
- Indicate your class format (ie. classroom, webinar, online, etc)
- Note if the course or seminar needs to be billed to a different group than who you normally enter requests for. (this only applies to companies with multiple billable accounts)
How do I locate my Related Course ID when entering a new seminar?
- Please enter the Course ID that can be found on your course report. This course ID will be 4 digits long. To request your course report, prior to submission, please go to reports and select, Standard Report, Course Report. Note: the system will allow you to submit ANY course or instructor, even if they are not approved. Please pay extra attention to confirming the requested course ID is approved.
What if I have more than two instructors for a course?
- Enter the additional instructor(s) name(s) in the “Instructor Comments” box.
Location Notes
- Indicate if there are any location specifics, directions, parking comments, security procedures etc.
Why do you need location contact information?
- This is needed if a regulator or student calls contacts our office regarding questions of where the class is being held, instructions of where to locate the class, the name of the point of contact at the location, etc.
What is Pre-Class information?
- The pre-class information will consist of the sign in roster, any state specific material being presented, and any directions for the instructor to ensure compliance with the course procedures. This information will be emailed to the designated contact person(s) approximately one week prior to the class.
What kind of attachments would be needed when scheduling a seminar?
- Please attach any marketing materials required for courses that require regulatory approval (such as CPE credit, etc).
- Please attach any additional handouts to be distributed in class, if not submitted with the original course submission.
What are considered “Changes”? Examples consist of:
- If you are adding a state submission to a course that is already approved in other states.
- If you are looking to add another state to teach in as an already approved instructor in other states.
- If you have previously scheduled a seminar, but need to make a change, such as time, date, location, instructor, course, etc.
- If you are adding a state to become a provider in that you previously were not approved in.
What is my Related Seminar ID when submitting my roster?
- This is a 6 digit number that can be found on the top right hand corner of your roster
- This ID can also be located by requesting the Seminar report.